March Nature Happenings

  • Project FeederWatch continues,
  • White Pelicans can be seen in large flocks on rivers, lakes and ponds as they begin their migration northward.
  • Chipping Sparrows return and Swamp Sparrows start their migration in mid- to late-March.
  • Like the European Starling, House Sparrows were introduced to the US from Europe and have spread across the country and will begin nesting in March in bluebird boxes and other nesting boxes with 1 1/2" holes. 
  • Bald Eagles, Screech Owls are sitting on their eggs.
  • Purple Martins return by the middle of the month; be sure to have your houses ready.
  • Woodcocks are doing courtship flights.
  • Cardinals and robins begin nesting.
  • Bluebirds begin nesting by the end of the month.
  • Begin monitoring houses middle of the month.
  • Phoebes return this month.
  • Goldfinches begin to molt into their brilliant yellow plumage.




Chipping Sparrow                     Eastern Screech Owl           Purple Martin

   House Sparrow

Northern Cardinal                   American Goldfinch           European House Sparrow


European Starling               European Starling (female)     European Starling (non-breeding)