February Nature Happenings
February is National Bird Feeding Month!
- Great Backyard Bird Count, mid-month, www.birdcount.org
- Project FeederWatch continues, www.feederwatch.org
- Look for Eastern Bluebirds to start pairing off before their March nesting season begins.
- Bluebird and other nesting boxes need to be cleaned out this month from wintering residents.
- Eastern Meadowlarks return from their winter habitats in late February.
- Red-winged Blackbirds, Killdeer and Great Blue Herons return.
- Kildeer are members of the plover family and are known for their "distraction display," pretending to have a broken wing to divert predators from its ground nest.
- Watch for Sandhill Cranes migrating north in late February.
- Grackles return north.
- Bald Eagles begin their nesting behaviors. www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Bald_Eagle/lifehistory
- Chipmunks reappear at feeders as temperatures rise.